
Gearbox: A Hierarchical Packet Scheduler for Efficient Network Bandwidth Allocation

Dec. 2019 ~ May 2020

  • Proposed a flexible and lightweight scheduler for network bandwidth allocation to approximate the ideal Weighted Fair Queuing(WFQ)
  • Implemented the hierarchical scheduler with C++
  • Applied NS2 and FCT topology to conduct the simulation
  • Carried out the evaluation and visualized data with the tools of Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib

Spam Email Tagging System Using Cloud

May 2020

  • Implemented a Machine Learning model for predicting spam SMS message on AWS cloud service
  • Built and trained a spam filter machine learning model using XGBoost with Amazon SageMaker instance and deployed the model to an endpoint
  • Created Lambda function to trigger the filter when any new email file came
  • Formulated an AWS CloudFormation template for the system to represent all the infrastructures
  • Github: (

COVID-19 Data Analysis

May 2020

  • Retrieved datasets from several sources to dig some useful information relating to COVID-19 with big data theory
  • Investigated on research paper analysis with Pyspark tool to figure out which kinds of people are at the highest risk getting infected
  • Implemented pandemic trend prediction with Pyspark ML library to forecast with the historical data
  • Establised the relationship between COVID-19 and age, gender, weather, certain regions, social health condition, community mobility, using Pyspark dataframe and Pyspark SQL

Apr. 2020

  • Implemented a photo album web application which could be searched using natural language through both text and voice
  • Used AWS S3 bucket to host the frontend and store the photos
  • Applied Amazon Transcribe to transcribe speech to text for searching
  • Created and trained Amazon Lex bot to handle the input queries
  • Deployed the project via AWS CodePipeline and launched service within inside VPC to prevent unauthorized internet access
  • Github: (

Smart Door Authentication System

Mar. 2020 ~ Apr. 2020

  • Implemented a smart door authentication system, through which owner could give the access to visitors
  • Use the Kinesis Video Stream and Kinesis Data Stream to process the vedio gathering by the camera
  • Applied Rekognition tool to detect face
  • Implemented Lambda function to process the queries and hook different compoents and used API Gateway to manage the API
  • Github: (

Dining Concierge Chatbot

Feb. 2020 ~ Mar. 2020

  • Implemented a serverless, microservice-driven web application with Natural Language Processing-powered application to book and search the restaurants’ information in Manhattan, NYC

  • Hosted the frontend in AWS S3 bucket and used API Gateway to manage the API

  • Fetched the restaurants’ data by Yelp API, stored the data in DynamoDB and indexed by AWS ElasticSearch Service to improve the search efficiency

  • Built the chatbot with Amazon Lex to generate intents and gather information from user side

  • Created Lambda functions triggered by CloudWatch to handle queries through SQS and sent reservastion results to user through SNS service.

  • Github: (

  • Vedio: (

License Plate Recognition System Based on Deep Learning

Sept. 2017 ~ Dec. 2017

  • Implemented a complete image content positioning and text recognition prototype system, which was specifically applied to the license plate automatic identification system
  • Involved in 4 main modules including license plate detecting (OpenCV), license plate positioning (binarized image), character segmentation (image sliding windows and CNN) and Character recognition (Inception Net V3 module)
  • Realized auto location and recognition of license plate through the combination of deep learning framework TensorFlow, the machine learning algorithm and the image recognition algorithm
  • Achieved recognition accuracy of 80.0128%
  • © 2020-2021 Mengqi Wu
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